It's time to Sell or Die!
Sept. 10, 2019

Selling Over the Middle with former NFL Wide Receiver JJ Birden

Selling Over the Middle with former NFL Wide Receiver JJ Birden

joins the show for a one-on-one session with Jeffrey. They talk about the relationship between sports and sales, JJ's success as a businessman (and keynote speaker), as well as life after football. If you’re sick of hearing “NO” at the end of...

Former NFL Receiver (and Joe Montana teammate) JJ Birden joins the show for a one-on-one session with Jeffrey. They talk about the relationship between sports and sales, JJ's success as a businessman (and keynote speaker), as well as life after football.

If you’re sick of hearing “NO” at the end of sales calls, tired of worrying about your competitors, and ready to become known as your sales team’s QUOTA CRUSHER… THEN THIS 3-PART LIVE VIRTUAL SEMINAR SERIES IS THE GAME-CHANGING EVENT YOU’VE BEEN DREAMING ABOUT. DISCOVER MY SEVEN-FIGURE SALES FORMULA SOON!



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