It's time to Sell or Die!
May 26, 2017

Workplace culture and the workplace of the future with Tami Schlichter

Workplace culture and the workplace of the future with Tami Schlichter

Jeffrey and Jen are in Amsterdam and stunned by all of the communication gaps that are bridged in the name business. It has them thinking about what kind of communication it takes to bridge gaps in workplace culture. It's a constant focus of our...

Jeffrey and Jen are in Amsterdam and stunned by all of the communication gaps that are bridged in the name business. It has them thinking about what kind of communication it takes to bridge gaps in workplace culture. It's a constant focus of our guest, Tami Schlicter, president of Ajax Union marketing. She's a millennial managing machine and artificial intelligence expert. She explains the idea of A.I. and how it will impact your life in the future in a way that everyone can understand.